
Seller United Playgrounds
Target 100% Email
Deal Type Mergers & Acquisitions
Buyer Standard Investment
Transaction Description

For their first big announcement in 2022, Standard Investment is very excited to be an active investor in a new endeavour called United Playgrounds.

Under the guidance of Diederik Breijer, who will take the position as CEO, this new collaboration in the online marketing world brings together the likes of LiveWall, Wave, 100%EMAIL, & 100%driven under one creative house. The new digital solutions group will create, design and build high quality end-to-end digital products, services, business solutions and data-driven marketing campaigns.

In the near future Standard Investment will continue to partner with and acquire more digital leaders to add to United Playgrounds.

Industry Sector
ICFG Office

ICFG Netherlands advised 100%Email on the sale of their company to Standard Investment

Transaction Details

A new digital leader is added to United Playgrounds offer