
Normandy-based industrial group PROBENT joins Clemessy, the EIFFAGE ÉNERGIE SYSTÈMES brand dedicated to industry

The PROBENT Group is an industrial group based in Normandy, specialising in the engineering, manufacture, assembly and maintenance of boilerwork, mechanically-welded components, piping, mechatronics, electronics and site logistics including scaffolding assembly.

  • PROBENT and all its subsidiaries manage projects from start to finish, from design and manufacture to on-site installation and maintenance.
  • The Group’s expertise has earned it a solid reputation with demanding customers in the energy, naval, defence and science and research sectors.
  • The Group, made up of 5 operational and complementary companies with 160 employees, achieved nearly €30m in sales in 2023.
  • The integration of the PROBENT Group into EIFFAGE ÉNERGIE SYSTÈMES promises fruitful synergies. The Group’s highly technical expertise and turnkey project management capability will bring significant value to Clemessy’s activities, particularly in the nuclear and naval defence sectors.
  • PROBENT also offers the EES – Clemessy Services Regional Division the opportunity to significantly strengthen its foothold in a region with strong industrial potential.

“We called on Societex CF for the sale of our Group and found them to have:

(i) a good understanding of our businesses and our industrial environment,

(ii) total involvement in putting us in touch with French industrial groups,

(iii) deadlines that were met,

(iv) a facilitating role in negotiations with the potential buyer(s).

We would like to express our sincere thanks to the entire Societex CF team for their support in our transaction.”

Sébastien CUQUEMELLE, Chairman
Ludovic LETOUZÉ, Managing Director
Philippe LE ROSSIGNOL, Chief Financial Officer


Sell-side advisors:

  • M&A : Societex (Thierry DEPOUX, Clément MATELOT, Ali DRISSI)
  • Corporate lawyers : Peltier Juvigny Marpeau & Associés (Benoit MARPEAU, Etienne LETANG, Laure

Buy-side advisors:

  • Corporate lawyers : Alerion Avocats (Christophe GERSCHEL, Céline MILENKOVIC, Isabelle PERRON)
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